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Three Ways to Combat Shipping Delays

Three Ways to Combat Shipping Delays

It’s the most frustrating part of running a small business.

Once our master chocolatiers have made your orders perfect, they box them and tie on our signature polka dot ribbon.

Next, we arrange for delivery with our shipping supplier. All of the tracking information we’ve grown accustomed to is in place. 

And then, in spite of all that, this sometimes happens:

I ordered [the previous] Friday expecting the product would arrive by Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, it arrived the day after Thanksgiving, but your product is excellent and I appreciate the respect you give your customers.

We’re excited for you to receive our chocolates so we’re as letdown as you are when they’re late. We do our utmost to ensure they’re on time — and they almost always are —, but 2020 has taught us to embrace a new normal.

And shipping delays are part of it. We will continue to do our absolute best to ensure quick delivery of your orders, but here are three more ways to combat disrupted shipping:

  1. Order early. It was always true, but even more so during social distancing. Even greater shipping volumes are expected this holiday season as people gravitate online to avoid crowded stores. Delivery guarantees are helpful, but they can’t overcome bad weather or computer systems that go down. Plan to place your orders with more lead time. This doesn’t mean you can’t still sneak a delivery under the wire, but in those cases, it’s best to call our store or email to give us a heads up.

  2. Order stateside. Retailers sourcing goods from overseas suppliers will likely have trouble securing what they need to meet customer demand. Avoid the hassle by looking for companies whose goods are made in the USA.

  3. Shop local. Skip the waiting and visit a local business for your shopping needs. You’ll be able to bring home your goods the same day and, because small businesses host less foot traffic, social distancing can be maintained. Many even offer curbside pick-up if you prefer.

Everyone at Mr. B’s is looking forward to the holiday season and the hopefulness that it brings. We hope you are, too!

And in case you wondered, our premium Belgian chocolates are handcrafted in Minnesota. We're stocked and ready to take your orders. 

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